Family Centered Care - Warm welcome in Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in Rome


Bewilderment is the dominant sensation for those who have to face with an admission to a hospital, especially if that hospital is far away from home, even worse if the patient is your child and you, the parent, should be a landmark for him. Instead, you don't know what to do, just feel lost among the information, wards, comings and goings of patients and white coats. (...)

My professional experience as a doctor has increasingly convinced me that family care is a necessary part of treatment. Giving the sensation of being cared for enables the family to focus on the only thing that matters: their child's health. When I graduated, there was a real dichotomy between healthcare providers, or rather doctors and nurses, and parents. I am sure, instead, that this separation is senseless, and that the parents' presence in helping and aiding their child's therapeutic path must be integrated. My great-grandfather, a pediatrician, used to assert that the main doctor is the mother: I believe he was right. (...)

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Photo by joel carter from Pexels
Photo by joel carter from Pexels
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